Ordinary World: Megamind is born, his planet is being destroyed. So his father sends him in a ship to earth. another planet also sent there son at the same time to earth. He becomes a super villain and the other child becomes Metroman the super hero. Megamind thinks he kills Metoman. But really Metoman just faked his death. Megamind now rules the city. But is bord so he makes a new superhero called Titan. Megamind discizes himself and falls in love with a girl he used to kidnap. Roxan. She finds out who he is and brakes up with him. Titan turns evil and is destroying the city.
Call to Adventure: He finds out Metoman is still alive but wont come back to fight Titan. So Metoman told Megamind he has to be the hero.
Refusal to Call: Megamind saids no because he the villain and doesn't get the girl.
Meeting the Mentor: The mentor is actually Metoman.
Crossing the Threshold: Roxan is kidnapped so he has to save her.
Tests Allies and Enemeis: His minion, Minion is a fish and his best friend. Roxan is his friend and helps him in his fight even though she broke up with him. The Enemy is Titan.
Approach the Inmost Cave: He goes to the top of the tower where Roxan is being held.
The Ordeal: He fakes his death then pretends to be Metoman and scares Titan off.
Road Back: He cheered for saving the day.
Resurrection: Titan comes back because he was not tricked. So they fight and Megamind takes away Titan power.
Return with Elixir: He gets the girl and everyone loves him.